Monday, February 2, 2015

A Luminary

The �Introduction to the Quran� is the outcome of deep research by the great scholar Late Haji Mirza Mehdi Pooya (no honorific can elevate a name now so eminent) . The intellectual zeal and intuitive insight of this most profound and constructive thinker have elucidated logically �Genuineness of the Quran , the meaning of �Revelation� , �Existence of God� , �Inevitability of Faith in Divine Occultation = the birth , presence disappearance and reappearance of the 12th Imam - the last Imam from the AhlulBait , Progeny of the Holy Prophet� - all these articles of faith being , based on the Quran .

He completed this work in spite of continuous ill�health . The work had been reviewed thoroughly by the eminent Judge , Late Justice Shahabuddin , former Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan . Justice Shahabuddin was among the close friends of Aqa Pooya who imbibed the scholarly exposition of the Quran by Aqa .
This great scholar left this world on 17th July 1973 = 16 Jamaad Ath�Thaani 1393H , (may the Almighty further elevate his station) . He was born in 1317H . In a very learned family of Yazd , Iran . His father Hojjatol Islam Aqai Mirza Mohammed Hassan and Grandfather Hojjatol�Islam Aqa Mirza Mohammed Ja�far of Yazd were celebrated scholars of their time , the former being a brilliant student of the Shia Divine Syed Kazim Tabatabai Yazdy , who in turn was the student of the latter .
Aqa Pooya received his education in Yazd (Iran) and Najaf (Iraq) . By the age of seven , he was learned in �Euclid� and other intricate mathematical problems of Pythagoras . He was the most intelligent student of Mujtahid Aqai Naini . The sublimity of calibre of this young Scholar was recognised by his Mujtahid who was deeply interested in his career .
However , Aqa Pooya did not stay in Iraq and Iran . Being very sensitive , he was so effected by the unhappy conditions prevailing in Iraq and Iran that he migrated to Madras in undivided India . His Mujtahid Aqai Naini was very unhappy over the migration of such a brilliant scholar and were it possible he would have ordained religious decree to stop his migration . He set himself to the task of learning the English language there and kept steadily to it till he attained a sound knowledge of the language .
Scholars and people in Pakistan found common indebtedness to Aqa Pooya for his having chosen to settle down in Karachi and enlightening those around him by his Conversations and fortnightly religious discourses where one could discuss one�s doubts and be satisfied by Pooya�s learned self .
Association with him has given birth to learned scholars and famous orators . Many have been blessed by his piety , tolerance and benevolence . He was one of those scholars who never raised an eyebrow at the unbeliever pestering him with his problems which were at times childish , at times serious . He was all ears and always successful in putting the questioner at ease and at showing him where the flaw lay in his reasoning . Problems of every day life to the most scholastic ones , were solved by him through recitation of relevant verses from the Quran with explanations .
In the eyes of the living Divines of Najaf and Iran , he is an accepted authority on the interpretation and exposition of Quranic verses from esoteric and exoteric points of view .
Aqa Pooya never neglected his duties towards Islamic institutions all over Pakistan , many of which owe their existence to him .
His explanatory notes in �Translation of the Quran� by Mir Ahmed Ali and his book �Fundamentals of Islam� are among the monumental works of this epoch . His outstanding works will always serve as guidelines not only to the scholars but all those interested in knowing and grasping the meaning of Islam , universal truth , regardless of their creed , nationality and sect .
His personality attracted Hindus , Christians , Parsees , and Christian�Missionaries from abroad , who were left spell�bound and overwhelmed with admiration at his sound reasoning and clear exposition of Islam through Quran , as presented by the Holy Prophet and his AhlulBait .
Though the great luminary has physically disappeared from the local scene , he retains a position in the horizon and generations to come will be enlightened with the rays of his learning .
I am duty�bound , according to the wish of the Late Aqa Pooya to offer thanks to Messrs . Habeeb Esmail Benevolent Trust , whose constant services in the achievement of religious ideal need no introduction and Mr . Mushtaq Ali K . Laddhani who carried out his work devotedly .
I feel it is my supreme fortune to have had close association with this benefactor , the late Aqa who taught me Islam and dispelled all doubts relating to religion which were the product of the particular western philosophic thought and envious tendencies of the time . Not only my humble self but my late loving daughter Najiba (Mrs . Syed Fida�i�Shabir) M . A . , Lecturer of English Literature S . M . B . Fatima Jinnah Girls� College who passed very recently from this world in her young age , had also learned and grasped the instructions of the late Aqa which unfolded the outer and inner aspects of the Quran and teachings of the Holy Prophet and his AhlulBait . She had been co�operating with her humble and assiduous labour during Aqa�s academic productions . She endeavoured to disseminate Aqa�s views through his writings on various occasions , (may Allah bless her soul) .
At the end , I request all the readers to observe their religious obligation and pray for Late Aqa Pooya�s elevation of station in the permanent abode , for his great services to the cause of Islam .
Karachi . 1974 Syed Mohammed Murtaza
The present treatise , �Genuineness of the Quran� is a part of �Introduction to the Quran� . This is being published as an independent treatise as a substitute to the article �Originality and genuineness of the Quran in its text and arrangement� which is a part of introduction �of the Quran translated by Mr . Mir Ahmed Ali . It was reviewed and re�written for various reasons

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