Sunday, February 1, 2015

Value and Significance of Ghadir

[11] The day of Message and Guardianship

The Messenger of God (peace be upon him) said :
O Moslems! Those who are present here must pass this to those absent that :
�I introduce to those who believed me and accepted me as true , Ali�s guardianship . Be aware that Ali�s Guardianship is my guardianship and my guardianship is the guardianship of my God . This was a covenant and treaty from the part of my Lord that he ordered me to convey to you . �
Biharul Anvar , 37 : 14 , Number of Tradition 35

[12] Day of Feeding

Imam Sadeq (peace be up on him) said :
Ghadir feast is the day in which the Messenger of God (peace be upon him) appointed Ali (peace be up on him) as the standard-bearer for people and explained his virtue on this day and introduced his successor . He observed fasting on this day as thanksgiving to God . And this day is a day of fasting , worship , feeding and meeting brothers and sisters in religion . This day is the day of acquisition of God�s satisfaction and rubbing Satan�s nose on the dust .
Vasail us Shia 7 : 328 , within Hadith 12

[13] The day of charity

The commander of the faithful (in the sermon on the day of Ghadir khom) said :
�When you meet each other greet with Salam , shake hands and congratulate the blessing that has been given to you by the Lord . These words must be sent to those who are not present and do not hear by those who are present and listen .
Rich must support the vulnerable and the powerful must support the weak . The holy Prophet (peace be up on him) has commanded me these things . �
"Vasail ul Shia 7 : 327 . "

[14] The day of surety

The commander of the faithful (the title of Imam Ali) said :
�How would be the condition of one who take the responsibility of the expenses of some believing men and women (on the day of Ghadir) , while I give the assurance of protection from blasphemy and poverty . �
Vasail ul Shia 7 : 327

[15] The day of thanks-giving and merry-making

Imam Sadeq (peace beup on him) said :
�Ghadir feast is the day of worship , prayer , thanks-giving and praise of God and also the day of delight and merry-making because of God blessed you with our Guardianship . I wish you to observe fasting this day . �
Vasail ul Shia 7 : 328 , Number of Tradition 13

[16] The day of charitable deeds

Imam Sadiq (peace be up on him) said :
�Giving away one dirham to a believer brother who knows (the significance of the day) on the day of Ghadir feast is equal to donation of one thousand dirhams . So do spend on your brothers on the day of Ghadir and make any believer men and women happy . �
Misbahul Mutahajjid : 737

17] The day of joy and happiness

Imam Sadiq (peace be up on him) said :
�Day of Ghadir is a festival day; A day of joy and happiness . Ad it is the day of fasting expressing gratitude to the divine blessing . �
Vasail ul Shia 7 : 326 , Number of Tradition 10

[18] The day of greetings and felicitation

Ali (peace be up on him) said :
�"When this assembly finishes , all of you will return to your homes . God has mercy on you , Share the blessings with your family and friends . Thank God for this blessing that he has bestowed upon you . Do associate with family so that the Lord helps you more . Do favors to friends that the Lord makes your friendship permanent . May Lord reward you in manifolds . You will not find another blessing similar to this [day of Ghadir] in other days . �
Baharul Anvar , 97 : 113

[19] Day of Praise and renunciation

Hussien ibnu Raashid said :
I asked Imam Sadiq (peace be up on him) : �Do Muslims have any other feast other than those two feasts?�
He replied : �Yes , the bigger and the greater than them . �
I asked him : �Which day?�
He replied : �The day in which the commander of the faithful (Imam Ali; peace be up on him) was appointed as the Leader of people . � I told him : �Dear sir , what should we do on this day . �
He replied : �Observe fasting , Sing the praise of the Holy Prophet and his clan . Seek renunciation from tyrants who do injustice to them . Because the Prophets commanded their successors to celebrate the day in which the successor is chosen . �
Mesbahel motehajjed : 680

[20] The feast of Succession

Imam Sadiq (peace be up on him) said :
�Remember the Lord by observing fasting , worship and remembrance of the Prophet and his clan on the day of Ghadir , because the Messenger of God recommended to the commander of the faithful to observe fasting on this day as the other Prophets too recommended their successors celebrate it and they too did so . �
Vasaelo shia 7 : 327 , number of tradition 1

[21] The day of induction and praise

Imam Sadeq (peace be up on him) said :
The value of the deed in this day (Qadir feast) is equal to eighty months and it is appropriate that the remembrance of the lord and praising up on prophet be increased in this day and the man expand to his family .
"vasaelo shi ?e 7 : 325 , number of tradition 6"

[22] Day of visiting the Leader

Imam Hadi (peace be up on him) commanded to Abu Ishaq that :
�On the day of Ghadir , the holy Prophet (peace be up on him) raised his brother Ali�s hand and introduced him as the standard-bearer to people and the leader after him .
Abu Ishaq said : �Dear sir , what you said is right . Because of this only I have come to meet you and I attest that you are the authentication of God over people . �
"vasaelo shia 7 : 324 , number of tradition 3 . "

[23] The day of reverence

Imam Reza (peace be up on him) said :
�One who visits a believer on this day , the Lord will send down seventy illuminations in to his grave , He will expand his grave and seventy thousand angles will visit his grave in order to give him glad tiding of the paradise . �
"Iqbal A?amal : 778 . "

[24] The day of meeting and good deeds

Imam Sadiq (peace be up on him) said :
�It is essential that you come closer to the God by doing good to others , fasting , praying and fostering family relationship and fraternity in belief , since the Prophets did these so when they appointed their successors and they in turn recommended this to others . �
"Mesbahel Motehajed : 736 . "

[25] Praying in the Ghadir Mosque

Imam Sadiq (peace be up on him) said :
�Saying prayers in the Ghadir mosque is recommended because the holy Prophet (peace be up on him) introduced and appointed the commander of the faithful (peace be up on him) at this venue . And in this place the God Almighty manifested the truth . �
"vasaelu shia 3 : 549"

[26] Prayer of the day of Ghadir

Imam Sadeq (peace be up on him) said :
�Offering two Rak�at (units) of prayer at any time of this day he wishes , preferably close to noon , the time in which the commander of the faithful (Imam Ali; peace be up on him) was declared as appointed to Imamate , is similar to have been present on the day at Ghadir . �
"vasaelo shia 3 : 225 , number of tradition 2 . "

27] Fasting on Ghadir

Imam Sadiq (peace be up on him) said :
�Fasting on the day of Ghadir is equal to fasting all the days of one�s life . If a person observes fasting all of his life time , his reward is same as that of who observed fasting on this day . �
vasaelo shia 7 : 324 , number of tradition 4

[28] Day of sharing greetings and smiling

Imam Reza (peace be up on him) said :
Ghadir feast is the day of exchanging greetings . When a believer meets his brother , he should say : �Praise belong to the Lord who has granted us the grace of holding fast the guardianship of the commander of the faithful . � Yes , Ghadir festival is the joyous day of that make the faces of believers more pleasant .
"Eqbal : 464"

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