Sunday, February 1, 2015


The position of Ghadir feast In Islam

[1] The feast of Caliphate and Guardianship

Ziad ibnu Muhammad said:
I came to Imam Sadeq (Peace be up on him) and asked:
‘Do Moslems have any other feast other than Eid ul qurban, Eid ul Fitr and Fridays?’
Imam (peace be up on him) replied: ‘Yes, the day in which the Messenger of God (peace be upon him) appointed the commander of the faithful (Imam Ali) to the caliphate and guardianship.’
"Misbahul Mutehajjid-736"

[2] The Greatest feast of the community

The Messenger of God (peace be up on him) said:
The day of Ghadir khom is the most superior feast of my ummah and it is the day in which the Great Lord commanded me to appoint my brother, Ali ibnu Abi Talib as the guide and leader of my community so that people be guided by him after me. And it is the day in which the Lord perfected the religion and completed his blessing to my nation and selected Islam as their religion.
Amali of sheikh Sadoq, p. 125, number of tradition 8

[3] The Great divine feast

Imam Sadiq (peace be up on him) said :
The day of Ghadir khom is the day of great feast of God . All the Prophets appointed by God Almighty celebrated this day and has recognized its dignity . And its name is covenant and treaty in the heaven and allegiance and participation of people on the earth .
Vasaele Shia , 5 : 224 , number of tradition 1

[4] The feast of guardianship

Imam Sadeq (peace be up on him) was once asked :
�Do Muslims have any other feast other than Eid ul Fitr , Qurban and Fridays?�
He replied : �Yes , they have a feast bigger than these feasts and it is a day in which the commander of the faithful was elevated and the Messenger of God (peace be up on him) placed the responsibility of Guardianship (wilayat) upon the shoulders of men and women . �
"Vasaele Shi?e , 7 : 325 , number of tradition 5"

[5] The day of renewal of Allegiance

Ammar ibnu Hareez said :
On the eighteenth day of Dhul Haj (Twelfth Arabic lunar month) I came to Imam Sadeq (peace be up on him) and found him fasting . He told me : �Today is a great day , God made it great as He perfected His religion for believers and completed His blessing to them . And the previous covenant and treaty renewed on this day . �
Misbahul Mutehajjid : 737

[6] The Heavenly Feast

Imam Reza (peace be up on him) said :
My father narrated from his father (Imam Sadeq , peace be up on him) to have said :
The day of Ghadir is more famous in the heaven than on the earth .
Misbahul Mutehajjid : 737

[7] The incomparable feast

Ali (peace be up on him) said :
�Today (Ghadir feast) is a great day . The relief has come on this day and the ranks (of those who were appropriate to it) elevated . And the proof of the Lord became clear . Comprehensible and unambiguous expression was delivered from the exalted and the purified . And today is the day of perfection of religion and the day of allegiance . �
Baharul anvar , 97 : Hadeeth 116

[8] The blissful feast

Imam Sadiq (peace be up on him) said :
�By God , if people could recognize the real virtue of this (Ghadir day) , angles would shake hands with them ten times every day . The blessings of God to one who understands the significance of the day are countless and innumerable .
Misbahul Mutahajjid : 738

[9] The Luminous Day

Imam Sadeq (peace be up on him) said :
�The day of Ghadir among the days of Fetr , Qorban and Friday is similar to the moon among the stars . �
Iqbal , seyyed ibnu Tavoos : 466

[10] One of the four divine feasts

Imam Sadeq (peace be up on him) said :
�On the day of resurrection , four significant days go towards the Lord rapidly just as the bride go fast towards her bridal chamber . These are : The day of Eid Fitr , Qurban , Friday and the day of Ghadir khom . �
Iqbal , Sseyyed ebne Tavoos : 466

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